Hi forums,

My partner and I moved into a house in Värmdö and we have an IVT-490 heat pump that supports the house with floor heating on the ground floor and hot water.
Thanks to threads in this forum I have been tinkering quite a bit with it (reading out data etc) and I'm quite familiar with the system by now.

However, there's one thing that has been happening since the beginning and I'm not sure if it's meant to be like that or if there's an issue.

The issue
The black cylindrical valve on the "Kallvattenarmatur kpl 9 bar" is dripping constantly in the wastewater tray. Is that expected or do I need to do something about it?
I also notice that the pressure drops to 0 frequently and I need to fill in from the same valve (just the knob on the opposite side), which is why I suspect something is wrong.

Thank you!

NB: My Swedish is not great so I hope you're ok with English here:)
Hi! The 9 bar safety valve should not drip constantly. Then it is faulty and should be replaced. It can drip temporarily for a short time when a lot of hot water is used and the new cold water coming in heats up and expands a little in the tank.

If the boiler pressure drops to 0 there is a problem with the boiler safety valve (usually 2,5 bar) or problem with the expansion vessel or there is a leakage somewhere in the heating system. First exercise the safety valve to see if it is just dirt in the valve that causes leakage. Check the expansion vessel and see if there is some air coming out of the little air valve when it is released. The air pressure in the rubber bellow might be to low, should normally be 0,5 bar with empty vessel.
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You have a broken safety valve and a broken expansion vessel. Both needs to be exchanged to solve the pressure problem. If you do not have a problem with the house heating because the floor heating is the lowest point i.e., no heating water for the upper floor, you may keep running like this without repair for some years until also the pump breaks because at some point there is air in the system. The floor heating does not really require any significant pressure because it is the lowest point so there is some natural pressure. It´s not recommended but I run like this now waiting for a replacement pump. Our heating and hot water works just fine despite this issue.
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