My hands are cold because in my house it is only around 16.5 degrees right now. I have a newly installed (2023) Panasonic HZ25XKE and a house that is 120sqm. When it's very cold I have the door to the washroom and 2nd bathroom closed most of the day, so the actual heated area of the house is less than 100sqm. The heat pump should handle this perfectly fine, but it's cold in here, 16 degrees is not something you just put another shirt on, it's not comfortable for long term living, my hands are cold and my feet are cold wearing socks and slippers.

It's either the pump, the insulation, the windows, or some configuration error.

Insulation : I have ran my hand over every inch of windows, the windows are fine, no drafts, they are 3 pane glass. The walls aren't super cold so the insulation must be okay, I checked the roof insulation and it's some old cellulose foam but looks to be deep (20-30cm deep) and working well. The floor also is just slightly colder than the air so that's not the issue either. One door has a tad of a cold draft coming under it so I sealed it up using an old blanket and it's good for now (I'll fix this next summer), the main door is good.

Pump : New Panasonic, installed properly as far as I can see. External unit is deicing properly, internal unit has no problems, no error codes, no weird noises. However, no matter what I do, I set the temperature to 25 degrees, I use the "powerful" mode, I restarted it and redid all the settings, nothing. Still pumping out air that's slightly warmer than the house, slightly, and that does nothing to heat up the rooms.
The Panasonic app shows the in house temperature as 20°C which is not true at all.

So what is going on? If it's not the windows, or the insulation, or the drafts, is the pump just not working properly? I seriously cannot understand how I can have this flagship heat pump running on 25 °C target the entire day and night and still the house is maxing out at 17 °C temperature when the sun is shining through the windows around 11-12.

Any help appreciated.

Edit: Forgot to say I am running the fans at high, the pump is in the living room which sits in the middle of the house and has good connection to the rooms. I can post pictures if needed.
C conny7970 skrev:
My hands are cold because in my house it is only around 16.5 degrees right now. I have a newly installed (2023) Panasonic HZ25XKE and a house that is 120sqm. When it's very cold I have the door to the washroom and 2nd bathroom closed most of the day, so the actual heated area of the house is less than 100sqm. The heat pump should handle this perfectly fine, but it's cold in here, 16 degrees is not something you just put another shirt on, it's not comfortable for long term living, my hands are cold and my feet are cold wearing socks and slippers.

It's either the pump, the insulation, the windows, or some configuration error.

Insulation : I have ran my hand over every inch of windows, the windows are fine, no drafts, they are 3 pane glass. The walls aren't super cold so the insulation must be okay, I checked the roof insulation and it's some old cellulose foam but looks to be deep (20-30cm deep) and working well. The floor also is just slightly colder than the air so that's not the issue either. One door has a tad of a cold draft coming under it so I sealed it up using an old blanket and it's good for now (I'll fix this next summer), the main door is good.

Pump : New Panasonic, installed properly as far as I can see. External unit is deicing properly, internal unit has no problems, no error codes, no weird noises. However, no matter what I do, I set the temperature to 25 degrees, I use the "powerful" mode, I restarted it and redid all the settings, nothing. Still pumping out air that's slightly warmer than the house, slightly, and that does nothing to heat up the rooms.
The Panasonic app shows the in house temperature as 20°C which is not true at all.

So what is going on? If it's not the windows, or the insulation, or the drafts, is the pump just not working properly? I seriously cannot understand how I can have this flagship heat pump running on 25 °C target the entire day and night and still the house is maxing out at 17 °C temperature when the sun is shining through the windows around 11-12.

Any help appreciated.

Edit: Forgot to say I am running the fans at high, the pump is in the living room which sits in the middle of the house and has good connection to the rooms. I can post pictures if needed.

I have a newly installed Panasonic hz25xke as well. It does a good job and is very powerful. I believe it is actually a 35-machine with limiting software.

When I used it at first, I got "thermal short circuit", which resulted in the pump switching on and of in 10min cycles. The indoor units sucked in warm air, which it blow out just before.

After I changed the swing flaps into a better direction, it works more smoothly.

Worth trying.
I have the flaps directing air to the side and down towards the hallway, there is no way for a loop there, the fans are at maximum, it's just not heating up.

My house has exhaust fans, is there any way to turn off the mechanical system to stop taking in cold air from outside from the vents?

Kör du pumpen som enda värmekälla i huset?

Vad har du för utomhustemperatur?
It's -10 these days, yes I also use electrical heating for the specific rooms during night if sleeping there.
Must be something wrong with your pump. Have had the same pump a couple of months and with -12 outside theres no problem to keep our 120 m² house warm. Pump set to 22,5 degrees and thats what we get in most rooms.
Have you cleaned the dust filters in the pump? We have one of these in a bigger house with very bad insulation and it works well but only if we keep the filters clean. At this time of year when it's running non-stop we need to do it every few weeks.
What happened? Was it resolved?
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